B E N    F E R R E R    -    f l y ' n   f i l i p i n o   p r o d u c i o n s
a n i m a t i o n  •  i n d u s t r i a l  •  i l l u s t r a t i o n  •  f i n e  a r t  
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    “Patch Cats and Patch Dogs

    Artwork © Ben Ferrer / Universal Impressions

Design for a series of Americana-Country T Shirts
Pen and Ink; converted in Streamline™,finished and painted in Illustrator™ and Photoshop™
 e m a i l   nebbulung@netscape.net   •   v o i c e  (562) 223-8196   •   r e s u m e   •   Copyright © 1994 - 2004 Fly'n Filipino Producions

Howdy, and welcome to my Portfolio Pages! My name is Ben. and these are some examples of what I can do! I'm a Cartoonist, an Illustrator, a Layout Designer and a Big-Time-Mac-User! Oh yeah ...On that note, let me just say that if anybody tells you that there's no difference between the Mac version and PC version of Photoshop, Illustrator, and Corel Draw, they don't know what they're talking about! Also, Corel Draw pretty much SUCKS MAJOR ASS in any Operating System, but what can you do??! If you think you can use me, give me a holler! Thanks!